Psych Health and Safety Podcast

Avoidable employee harm in disciplinary processes – with Kevin Teoh and Andrew Cooper

Episode Summary

In this episode of the Psych Health and Safety podcast, Australian hosts Jason and Joelle chat with Kevin Teoh of Birkbeck University and Andrew Cooper of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. They discuss the practice of applying disciplinary policies and processes and the sometimes unintended consequences on employee wellbeing. Kevin and Andrew detail new research on a 13-month ‘last resort’ intervention which aimed to reduce foreseeable harm to employees by reducing the number of formal investigations undertaken. They discuss the results from the programme, as well as key considerations for the general application of disciplinary policies, not only in healthcare organisations but further afield.

Episode Notes

When work harms: how better understanding of avoidable employee harm can improve employee safety, patient safety and healthcare quality | BMJ Leader

Frontiers | The last resort: reducing avoidable employee harm by improving the application of the disciplinary policy and process (

The organisational harm, economic cost and workforce waste of unnecessary disciplinary investigations | British Journal of Healthcare Management (

The impact of poorly applied human resources policies on individuals and organisations | British Journal of Healthcare Management (